The Process
With my love of martial arts, creativity and cooking I thought about what those hobbies mean to me and what feelings and thoughts arise when I think about them as well as correlations that may be shared.

The Logo
With the ideas of Technique, Focus, Creativity and Calm mapped out, the image of a circular design came to mind. From left to right, my first few designs drew influence mainly from what I felt was Technique, Focus and Flow. I felt however that a sense of Calm and Creativity was missing from the logo. I decided I would simplify the logo to a 'C' as this is obviously the first letter of my name. I decided to add a pencil to the inside of the logo relating back to and then experimented with line width and weight to invoke a sense of Technique and Calm.
Colour and font choice
For my font choice I used Futura. A simple but effective, popular and modern font choice. I also used Lato for the business card.
For colour choice I explored the use of green, yellow and blue as I felt these colours related mostly to the original elements of Technique, Focus, Creativity and Calm. I originally went into the colour choice stage with the idea of blue being the main colour, however as the design evolved, I decided to go with yellow and a darker shade of the original blue for the font choice.